Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Lim Jeng Shiun

Associate Professor Ir Dr Lim Jeng Shiun is the Director of Products and Service, Optimal Systems Engineering Sdn Bhd, a UTM spin-off company specialising in providing solutions related to energy conservation and GHG emissions reduction.

He is also the Deputy Director of Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His core expertise is in the area of innovative development and application of process systems engineering techniques for resource conservation, and energy and carbon planning.

Dr Lim is the editorial board member for the Journal of Cleaner Production, an international high-impact journal focusing on reporting the state-of-the-art related to GHG emissions reductions. He is also the technical secretariat and guest editor for the International Conference of Low Carbon Asia and Beyond.

He is also a professionally Certified Energy Manager, Certified Energy Auditor, Accredited Energy Measurement & Verification Professional and a Registered Electrical Energy Manager certified by the Energy Commission of Malaysia. He is the trainer of the Energy Management Trainer Course conducted by MGTC to certify the Energy Manager. He is also the instructor for MSc Energy Management in UTM, sharing knowledge related to GHG emissions accounting and mitigation strategy.

Dr Lim is a key research team member for the project on the Development of Low Carbon Society (LCS) Scenarios for Asian Regions, an international joint research program between Japan and Malaysia. One of the key outputs of this project is the development of Energy Chapter of LCS Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025, which is endorsed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia during the COP 18 Doha Climate Change Conference.

As an engineer in practice, he has applied the output of his research work to consultancy projects for the industrial community. He has been extensively involved in more than 35 industrial-based projects for various companies and government agencies. The key clients include local industries and multinational companies such as BERNAS, FABER MEDISERVE, SHELL, OLEON in Malaysia and PERTAMINA in Indonesia. He has assisted those companies to identify energy-saving opportunities worth millions of dollars and GHG reduction opportunities through the use of process integration and process systems engineering approaches in the energy audit and GHG emissions accounting projects.

He has shared his project experience in his co-authored book titled Pinch Analysis for Energy and Carbon Footprint Reduction, published by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). He has been invited to share his experience on Net Zero carbon for industry and facilities, including on Net Zero Carbon for Palm Oil Industry organised by IChemE.

Speaker Details
  • Company

    Optimal Systems Engineering

  • Position

    Director of Product & Services

  • Update Time

    Updated 2022

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