Ir. Loh Sin Seng
Ir. Loh Sin Seng is the Head for Biogas Operation in Sime Darby Plantation. He has been leading the development of renewable energy business, specifically biogas initiatives within Sime Darby Plantation. His role includes seeing to the roll-out of in-house biogas projects to meet carbon reduction target, as well as initiating collaborative effort with strategic partners in the development of commercial biogas power plant. Since joining Sime Darby Plantation 18 years ago, Ir Loh have been involved in planning, conceptualizing, design and project managing the development of various palm oil related projects including biomass power plant, modernized farming, composting plant, construction and upgrading of palm oil mill projects. He is a Mechanical Engineer by training, registered with Board of Engineers Malaysia and a Registered Electrical Energy Manager with Suruhanjaya Tenaga.